Establish one player to be Big Booty (this is essentially just a name for the leader).
Number the other players. Go around the circle to name them "Number One," "Number Two," and so on. Get Big Booty to establish the rhythm.
Have the leader sing, "Big booty, big booty, big booty, Ahhhhh yeah, big booty!" This is to be sung in rhythm, with each beat emphasizing one syllable.
Make individuals sing by calling their numbers. Each person called to sing must sing their number followed by the number of the person they’d like to go next (or Big Booty). All this will be said in time with the patting/clapping tempo. The leader starts this chain reaction. For example:
- All: "Big booty, big booty, big booty, Ahhhhh yeah, big booty!"
- Big Booty: "Big booty,” number seven!" (said with a single pat and a single clap)
- Number Seven: "Number seven, number three!" (said with a single pat and a single clap)
- Number Three: "Number three, number eight!" (said with a single pat and a single clap)
- Number Eight: "Number number eight, "Big Booty!” (said with a single pat and a single clap)
Continue the pattern until someone makes a mistake, in which case they must leave the circle. Mistakes include the following:
- Falling out of rhythm (usually because they didn't realize their number was called)
- Talking during the chant when it is not their turn
- Picking their own number
- Picking the number of the player who just picked them (e.g.: if Number Five picks Number Three and Number Three picks Number Five again, Number Three is out)
- Selecting a number of someone who is out of the circle (ex: calling on number 4 after 4 got out)
Play until there is only one survivor. This survivor becomes the new Big Booty; everyone else gets renumbered according to how long they survived in the circle.